(519) 982-5665

I have always looked forward to when December rolls around which in my opinion is the unofficial start to the holiday season.  I have been contemplating a lot this week about how this time of year seems to inspire a childlike wonder. How we can embrace play and laughter as the magic of the holidays seems to touch our souls.  I found myself asking why don’t these feelings last all year long and what is it about Christmas that seems to allow people to outwardly want to spread joy to others? Maybe it’s traditions that come up this time of year, or maybe it’s that glitz and glam that makes us feel a little extra grand too.  Maybe it’s all the delightful treats and spiked eggnog that puts us in the festive spirit.  Or the fact that we made it to the end of another year (hurray!) and are looking forward to what the next year has to offer.

Like many of us, I often look back and reflect on the highs and lows and start planning for what I envision the next year will bring.  Yes, we are once again finding ourselves unable to control what is going on in the world, but that doesn’t mean we still cannot find the fun, the joy, and the ability to dance like no one is watching.

I also recognize that for many, this time of year is not a festive happy time. It can be painful, lonely, and bring up a lot of uncomfortable emotions we may not want to deal with.  For those who don’t feel like celebrating, are working through the holidays, or are just downright burnt out from the past 22 months and just want to skip to January I say to you…that is quite alright. You do you! Take some time to ask yourself what you need to help you get through these next few weeks. Practice some self-care check-in ideas:

  • Stretching your body if your muscles feel tight
  • Declutter your space (or that junk drawer in your house)
  • Take a nap (or maybe two or three if you feel you need it)
  • Unplug from social media if you need a break
  • Cook something you love that will nourish your body and soul
  • Honor your feelings, recognize they are there for a reason and what message they are trying to convey
  • Walkthrough a part of your community/city you’ve always wanted to visit
  • Treat yourself (maybe something you’ve been putting off for a while)
  • Practice breathwork techniques (if you are feeling anxious, Youtube has so many wonderful resources)
  • Talk to a loved one or someone you trust about how your feeling

There really are no rules on how to feel this time of year. If you are a holiday lover like me, embrace your inner child’s excitement and try and carry that energy into the new year. If you are not feeling particularly jolly, I encourage to take some of that “me” time we’ve all been wishing for, or if you are really struggling reach out to those in your community that can help support your mental wellness.

No matter how you are (or are not) celebrating the holidays, I wish you all much joy, peace, and understanding for 2022.

Happy Holidays & Warmest Regards. If you are interested in a naturopathic consultation, you can email me and schedule a meeting at the Lifetime Wellness Centre on North Service Road.