IV Vitamin Therapy
Offered to Residents of Windsor-Essex County
What is IV Vitamin Therapy?
Intravenous (IV) therapy delivers vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly through the bloodstream. This allows the digestive system to be bypassed and a higher dose of these substances to be administered than would be tolerated by oral supplementation. There are many different IV nutrient formulas that may be used for a wide variety of conditions. Most commonly, IV therapy is used in the treatment of fatigue, migraines, immune support & chronic infections, cancer, liver support/detoxification and athletic performance and recovery.
Why Do Patients Get IV Vitamin Therapy?
Hormonal Health
Hormonal imbalance can have a massive impact on daily life since they are intertwined with so many of the body’s systems. The correct balance of vitamins and minerals delivered through an IV fluid is an excellent treatment for improving hormonal health.
Improve Your Energy
Vitamins, Antioxidants, and Electrolytes utilized together can create an IV fluid that will help boost your mental clarity and energy levels. This improved performance from the IV treatment can help you get through your workday, athletic activities, and family adventures.
Boost Your Immunity
Vitamins, Antioxidants, and Hydration utilized together create an IV fluid that will help improve your immune system response. Ailments put a heavy toll on your body leaving it in a state of need. Intravenous allows you to get the nutrients needed to fight off the ailment directly and maintain the function of your metabolism.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
The chemical cause of stress is cortisol. Stress and anxiety start to mount once cortisol is released into your bloodstream and sent throughout your body. IV Vitamin Therapy allows you to get the right amount of nutrients and vitamins into your bloodstream to combat the effects of cortisol; all while relaxing in a stress-free environment throughout the session.
100% Nutrient Absorption
When we ingest vitamins and minerals we lose a large amount of absorption capability to the digestive tract. This leaves our bodies with an approximate 50% absorption level from ingestion. IV Vitamin Therapy allows us to skip the digestive tract and get 100% absorption directly into the bloodstream. You receive the full mind and body benefits of the vitamins in the IV fluid at a much quicker rate.

Become a Patient
If you live in Windsor Essex County and are interested in one or more of Dr. Martinello’s naturopathic services, you can book a consultation today! Dr. Martinello offers a comprehensive 60-minute initial consultation for adults and youths.
More Naturopathic Services

Traditional Chinese medical acupuncture used as a treatment for reducing pain, anxiety, stress, digestive complaints, and male/female reproductive concerns.

Botanical Medicine
The use of plants in pharmacological treatments is as old as human history itself. These botanical therapies can be used in unison with other naturopathic therapies.

Dietary Counselling
Dr. Kaitlin Martinello, ND will assess your unique patient profile to build a dietary counseling plan that leads to your personal success with food and health.